Our Story

History of the Ned Branch Missionary Baptist Church

It has been said that history should not be written until one hundred years have elapsed, but facts and circumstances should be preserved so that history may be presented accurately. Fire and other circumstances destroyed much of the history of the Ned Branch Missionary Baptist Church. The whole truth we reserve to God alone and to those resting in their graves. We hope this history will be a token of gratitude to those resting in hallowed ground who toiled, struggled, prayed and fathered generations in order to make this year one to celebrate.

May we also take the recommendation of our fathers to take the talents he has given us and use them so that they may multiply for all mankind. Our fields of labor are ripe; they have been sown by the hard struggle of our fore-founders. This is our day and with faith in God, who has promised to be with us we are able to grasp courage for whatever is before us.

We must recognize leadership and condone good fellowship. We must encourage aggressiveness and restlessness. With this awakening, we the present generation and those who will follow after us will be ready to take their place in a church old, yet new, made by promises of God. A church that awaits new discovery, new thoughts, and new talents by someone who might be you.

In the year of 1874, Bro. Sam Rachett, Emond Dunbar, Elex Dunbar, Bob Killingworth, Dave Anderson, Sis. Rebecca Rackett, Angelne Beck, and Lendy Dunbar got together and decided to purchase four acres of land from Mrs. Eliza Darlington for a church. Here they built a bush harbor and worshipped for one year. Having no pastor, Rev. Jack Williams was asked to pastor for them.

In the year of 1875, these faithful few built a log cabin and called Rev. Hard Thompson as pastor. He served faithfully for several years. Under Rev. Thompson, he ordained the following deacons, Sam Rackett, Elex Dunbar, Taylor Thompson, Washington James, John Walker, A. W. McKnight Sr., and Elex Thompson. During his tenure, many souls were added to the church. He was then called from labor to reward.

Rev. Tom Walker was called as pastor. During his administration, lost by death the following deacons, Taylor Thompson, Sam Rackett, and Washington James. It was necessary then to ordain more deacons. He ordained Spencer Odom, Boston Roundtree, Council Gibson, and ordained to the ministry Rev. W. L. Singleton, many souls were added to the church. Rev. Walker was called from labor to reward. The church again without a pastor called Rev. Singleton as a shepherd to the fold. Many souls were added to the church. Rev. Singleton served faithfully for many years and resigned.

Rev. G. W. Cherry was called as pastor. He ordained Walter Dunbar, Abraham Dunbar, Sam Lish, Elex Brown, John C. Gibson, D. F. Thompson Sr., Mike McCreary, Saxon Graham, Crosby Roundtree, A. M. McKnight Jr., E. W. Frederick Sr., and John O’Neal. Ordained to the ministry were Rev. Abraham Dunbar, Rev. A. P. Price and Rev. W. M. Anderson. Lost by death the following deacons, John Walker, A. M. McKnight Sr., Council Gibson, Elex Brown, Mike McCreary and Saxon Graham. Rev. Cherry served as pastor for twenty
(20) years. During his administration the church membership grew considerably. Then the master saw fit to call him into judgment. The church again without a pastor called Rev. J. S. Smith, he ordained the following deacons, G. P. Peeples, Ruben Beck, E. W. Frederick Jr., and James Dunbar. He licensed and ordained Rev. Aaron Price. Lost by death the following deacons, Elex Thompson, Sam Lish, Ruben Beck, E. W. Frederick Sr., J. C. Gibson, W. M. Anderson and A. P. Price.

During Rev. Smith’s administration the church continued to prosper. In 1950, we were notified that our Holy Temple would have to be moved from Dunbarton, where it had its beginning to a new location. At first we were a bit sorrowful but we put our trust in God who does all things well and decided that God knows best. The officers began searching for a new location and found this spot where the church now stands. The land was purchased from Bro. F. B. Beck.

On the second Sunday in July of 1952, we carried over our first meeting at this spot. Rev. Smith served faithfully for thirty (30) years. He served us well until the year 1955. The church then called Rev. A. H. Dunbar as pastor for the year of 1956. He served faithfully and many souls were added to the church.

In 1957 Rev. W. M. Sumter was then called as pastor. During his administration many souls were added to the church. In 1961 our church was destroyed by fire, all souls of the church were saddened. But we took our burdens to the Lord who does all things well and went about rebuilding our present structure. It took many hours of toil and sweat but everyone was determined. Bro. Archie Odom gave the first set of blocks and the second by Bro. Willie Brown. With much hard work and the help of the Lord, we carried over our first service in September of 1961.

Some of our hard working members purchased pulpit furniture. A modern water system was installed; Rev.
E. W. Frederick, Jr. was licensed and ordained. Rev. Sumter served us until the year 1964. He served faithfully for seven (7) years. The church saw fit to use their two sons of the house, Rev. E. W. Frederick Jr. and Rev. Aaron Price to carry out the year of 1965, they served faithfully.

In the year of 1966, the church saw fit to call Rev. W. E. Davis. During his 28 years of faithful service many souls have been added to the church and many things have been accomplished. He ordained the following deacons, Earther Price, James Odom, John Morris and Willie Moses Odom. He licensed and ordained to the ministry, Nathaniel Odom. Under Rev. Davis administration with the cooperative spirit of the fellowship, the following improvements and additions were added. Rev. Davis installed the church windows, the front entrance altered, the porch replaced, and the dining hall was added.

Carpeting and pews were installed with the help of some members extra effort, namely Sis. Carrie Odom, Sis. Edith Bates, Sis. Mattie Garrett, Sis. Alma Sanders, Dea. A. M. McKnight and Dea. G. P. Peeples. A piano and clock was given by the Thompson Family, microphone and PA system was installed by the Oliver Family. Sis. Ella McNealy gave linen for the communion table. Hymn books were given by Sis. Carrie Wallace and Sis. Annie Peeples. Mirrors for the bathroom by Bro. Leon Bartley. Linen given by Sis. Essie Mae Dunbar. Fans given by Sis. Carrie Wallace. The Junior Choir was organized and also bought furniture for the pastor’s study. Dea. James Odom, Bro. Doc Thompson and the Young Men’s Club did the painting of the church. Sis. Othella Sapp and Sis. Willie Mena Ashley donated floral arrangements in memory of their mother, Sis. Willie H. Dorch. Central air/heating was also installed and we also finished paying off our mortgage. Sis. Edith Bates and the Usher Board donated flags to the church. 
The Usher Board also reupholstered the pulpit furniture. Sis. Diane Davis purchased a new PA system for the church and the Gospel Choir purchased tables and chairs for the new dining hall. The Senior Choir purchased curtains, blinds, a piano, water coolers, ceiling fans and lighting fixtures.

In the year of 1986 and 1990 we did some much needed remodeling to our church structure and with God’s help we intend to do more. During this period we have had ten clerks, Bro. Clarence Roundtree, Dea. E. W. Frederick, Sis. Louisiana Peeples, Sis. Rosa Hankerson, Bro. William Thomas McKnight, Sis. Mae Bing, Sis. Brenda Davis, Sis. Mary Williams, and secretary, Sis. Vickie Allen. Seven Assistant Clerks, Sis. Jonell Frederick, Sis. Eufalla Brown, Bro. William Thomas McKnight, Dea. James Odom, Sis. Essie Mae Dunbar, Sis. Victoria Davis, Sis. Sonya Felder and Sis. Vickie Allen. Sis. Rosa Hankerson was our church clerk for thirty (30) years, which means she served faithfully.

In November of 1994, our pastor, Rev. W. E. Davis was called from labor to reward. Rev. Audrey Lofton was called as pastor in 1995. During his administration, William Barker was ordained as a deacon. Fourth Sunday service and weekly Bible Study were added. The sanctuary walls were repainted and paneled, the ceiling and floor was replaced, and the exterior of the church was brick veneered. Rev. Lofton resigned in 2002.

On the second Sunday in June of 2003, Rev. Curtis Govan was called as pastor. During his administration the church completed remodeling of the back restrooms, pastor’s study, and added restrooms to the front of the church. Diane & Brenda Davis purchased the front doors to the front of the church. Yulanda Roberts assisted with setting up the new AC/Heating system during remodeling. Six new units were purchased for $2,500.00 through her job, Excel Heating and Cooling. Dorothy Glover donated 2 high-back chairs for the front foyer. Mozelle Armstrong had them covered to match the other two that were in the front foyer. Perry Lee Harden purchased the rugs that are in the front foyer, and Russell Garrett purchased the collection box in the front foyer. Worship service every Sunday started in January of 2006 and weekly bible study and prayer service on Wednesday nights were added. A van was donated for the use of the church in 2006. Also under his administration, Thomas Dunbar was ordained as a deacon, and three new trustees were added, Thomas Evans, Randy Carr, and Adolph Cofield. Randy Carr resigned in 2007. Under his administration ordained to the ministry was Rev. Patricia Dunbar. With the help of the Lord the church was paid off in 2008. On May 16, 2010 five new trustees were added, Charles Anderson, Willie Dunbar, Eloise A. Moore, Vickie Allen and Bridget Carr. In August of 2010, a new church van was purchased. Sis. Georgia Savage purchased a table and chairs for the pastor and his guests. She also purchased china dinnerware, glassware, silverware, cooking pots and tablecloths for the dining hall. On September 12, 2010, we celebrated our 142nd Church Anniversary along with the Laying of the Church Cornerstone. Rev Curtis Govan resigned in 2010, he served faithfully for seven years and many souls were added to church.

On the second Sunday in January of 2011, Minister Bobby L. Dukes was called as pastor, his wife, Shanikia L. Dukes as our First Lady, and their three children, Javaris, Deoshe', and Alexcia. He was ordained as an Elder on July 1, 2011, and installed as our Pastor on July 10, 2011. Under his administration, the baptism pool and water heater was upgraded. A new electric fuse box was installed, a new stove was purchased and a new copier/printer was purchase. A children’s choir was formed, and the church name was put on the church van. A new computer was purchased; we upgraded our sound system, cut out a window for the sound system, and installed 3 new TV monitors. A baby changing station was installed in the front ladies restroom, a new glass door was installed to the fellowship hall, and railing were installed to the front porch and side steps. We also set up a new church website; and we put up a new church sign at the beginning of the road leading to the church. A new church steeple for our beloved church was installed in August of 2012, it was made by Trustee
Adolph Cofield. He also made the wooden cross outside of the church and the gate in the dining hall. The following contributed to repairing broken windows within the church and having them stained: Elder & First Lady Dukes, Deacon Thomas Dunbar, Sis. Sonya Felder, Deacon Willie Dunbar, Sis. Doris Williams, Sis. Gwen Dunbar, Sis. Clarice Roberts, Sis, Viola Holmes, and Sis. Theresa Hargrove-Jones. Also, a new praise team was formed in September of 2012, and a new Finance/Budget Ministry was re-organized with the following members, Sis. Eloise A. Moore, Sis. Sonya Felder, and Dea. Charles Anderson.

Many people contributed to beautify our church. The following contributed to the purchase of church pews: Elder Bobby Dukes, First Lady Shanikia Dukes, Rosa Ford, Russell, Katherine & Marion Garrett, Doris Williams, Mary Williams & Children, Jackie L. Odom, The Barker Family, Deacon James Odom, Deacon Willie Dunbar, Viola Holmes, Vickie Allen & Family, Gwen Dunbar, Theresa Hargrove-Jones, Mr.& Mrs. George Gibbons, Hiwatha Glover, Andre & Regina Stewart, Deacon Charles & Vickie Anderson, Clarice Roberts, Deacon William Barker, Vickie Anderson, The Harden Family, Gloria J. Godfrey, Deacon, Thomas Dunbar, Eloise A. Moore, Evelyn Peeples and The Ned Branch Baptist Church Family. During Elder Dukes administration, the following deacons were ordained: Bro. Charles Anderson and Bro. Willie Dunbar on November 12, 2013. The following contributed to the repairing of the dining room floor by purchasing tile: Elder & First Lady Dukes, Deacon James Odom, Deacon Willie & Rev. Patricia Dunbar, Deacon Charles & Vickie Anderson, Eloise A. Moore, Sonya Felder, Russell & Katherine Garrett, Jackie L. Odom, Joan Perry, Jannie Mae Breeland, Gwen Dunbar , Doris Williams, Carl & Marsha Brown, Curtis & Diane Brown, Roberta Willis, Jasmine Rhodall, Da’Tron Corley, Andre & Fonda Patrick, Chandra Ford, Lionel Black, Kyona Moss Brown, Cord Bunyon, The Joyner Family, Harriet McKnight, Rosa Ford and Albert Odom Jr. In 2013, monthly Praise Night Service was added. In 2013, on the left side of the church, the land was cleared, and grass added for additional parking. We installed 3 new teleprompter monitors in June of 2014. Rev. Patricia Dunbar made curtains for the windows in the dining hall in July of 2014. On July 12, 2014, The Ned Branch Baptist Church Family Honored First Lady Shanikia Dukes. In 2014, two new doors were installed at the entrance of the church.

On April 11, 2015, Bro Carl Brown was ordained as a Deacon.

In 2015, we purchased and installed new interior doors leading into the sanctuary. As well as, replacing the carpet and revarnishing the floors in the sanctuary. In 2015, Pulpit rails were installed. In February of 2016, the chandeliers were removed from the sanctuary and recessed lighting was installed, along with two new ceiling fans, of which one was donated by Sister Angela Peeples and her sons. Also, in February, we purchased the 2 acres adjacent to the church building. In the summer of 2016, we had the land timber cut and the land cleared. In this same summer, we began Camp Ned Branch. In August 2016, we had the pews reupholstered by Sister Margie Banks and husband Bro. Marshall Banks and Deacon Robert and Minister Maxine Gordon donated a keyboard to the church. Also, a Children’s Church, Hospitality Committee, and Intercessory Prayer Ministry were formed. During this time many souls were added to the flock.

In 2017, Brenda Buxton agreed to become the Church Secretary, and Chandra McKnight Ford was selected as the Pastor’s Clerk. In 2017, with Pastor Dukes' leadership and guidance, Ned Branch Missionary Baptist Church opened a new Thrift Store located on Dunbarton Blvd, Barnwell, SC. A grand opening was held on Saturday, May 13, 2017. In August 2017, new chairs were purchased for the Dining Hall. Also, Mother Viola Holmes purchased a new refrigerator for the kitchen. The mobile app was made available for members, as well as our Guest to download to their phones to keep them aware of upcoming events and activities happening at the church.

In February 2018, we held our first Millennial Program. Sister Debra Young along with NBMBC honored our young adults within Barnwell County for their outstanding achievement and services.

In July 2018, Adolph Cofield along with the Deacon Ministry renovated the ladies’ restroom adjacent to the Fellowship Hall. Also, in 2018, new chairs were purchased for the Fellowship Hall by the following members: Margie Banks, Andre & Fonda Patrick, Thrift Store, Brenda Buxton, Eloise Moore, Sonya & George Dukes, Jackie Odom, and Katherine Garrett.

In October 2018, Finance/Budget Ministry was re-organized with the following members: Sis Marsha Brown, Deacon James Odom, Sis. Brenda Buxton and Sis. Harriett McKnight (Finance Director).

In March 2019, Brother Andre Patrick, Brother Dale Collins and Brother Tony Dunbar were ordained as Deacons. Ordination Service was held on March 24, 2019.

In April 2019, the land in front of the church was cleared to include removing trees and cutting grass.

In April 2019, Deacon Willie and Evangelist Patricia Dunbar donated a generous amount toward the building for children church “The Red Classroom.”
On April 22, 2019, during our Church Leadership Meeting, Minister David and Yamile Bryant was selected as Executive Administrators. Leadership members voted unanimously on this decision.

On June 9, 2019, our youth were able to move into their new sanctuary with their Youth Leader, Sister Alexcia Dukes and her staff.

On July 7, 2019, our Teen Ministry (“Higher Ground”) was established. Sister Yamile Bryant was the Teen Leader.

On August 17, 2019, we held a Focus Meeting to discuss the building of our New Church to include the cost and the current financial status of the church. During this meeting our Theme was changed to “Year of the Beginning of the End.”

During 2019, under Pastor Dukes’ Leadership many souls were added to the church.

On January 26, 2020, Ordination Service was held for Minister David Bryant. Pastor Dukes delivered the message.

In April 2020, our country and the nation was affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Due to this pandemic, our services were held on-line via Facebook and conference calls. On May 3, 2020, we held our first Pull-up and Park Service at the church. Members and visiting friends came out; some sit in their cars or their lounge chairs to enjoy the services. (All programs sponsored by the church were cancelled.)

On Sunday, October 4, 2020, Elder David Bryant was installed as pastor of Jordan Missionary Baptist Church in Williston, SC. Pastor Dukes was the officiant for this service. The service was held outside the Bryant’s home, due to COVID restrictions.

We feel grateful to God who placed Pastor Dukes as our under Shepherd. As he continuously shares his knowledge of Christ through the word of God with reverent integrity, we pray that his leadership will bless each of us. He teaches and emphasize that NBMBC is a “PLACE WHERE LOVE WORKS.” We will continue to do God’s work as it is written in the bible.

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Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9am.