Dear Church Family,
There are some churches in our community that will begin opening their church doors for in-person services on June 7, 2020. There are some other churches in our surrounding area that is considering reopening in June 2020. Let's continue to keep them in prayer as they seek to do what they think is in the congregation's best interest. Some of our family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and the like may attend some of these churches. Thus, prayer is appropriate because their choices may affect our well-being too!
It is evident that we will not continue having church outside forever, I believe it is still too early to return to the inside of the sanctuary for worship services. You have shared with me how to lead you, and I honor your 'voices.' Benjamin Franklin once said, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." The following is the projected plan for re-entering the sanctuary:
Projected Policy & Procedure For Re-Opening
The COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily re-written the narrative of in-person worship. The power of this pandemic has closed the doors of countless churches (brick and mortar), but God has opened the doors of many homes to hear the gospel. The following are some of the procedures we are considering implementing.
Entering Church Sanctuary
When entering the sanctuary, temperatures will be taken with a touch-free thermometer. We are asking everyone to wear a mask, but it is not mandatory. Hand sanitizers will be placed at the entrances of the church. Plus, tithings and offerings baskets will be placed in a designated area. Tithing and offering will be given before entering the sanctuary. We will practice social distancing at all times.
Phasing In
Since our membership will not allow all of us to return at the same time and still practice social distancing, we will return in phases. Phase 1 will consist of approximately 30-35 people in the sanctuary. Phase 2 will include around 35-40 in the sanctuary and an additional 20 in the fellowship hall. Phase 3 will consist of approximately 40-50 in the sanctuary, and another 30-40 in the fellowship hall. The seating will be done by reservation. You can reserve your seat via the website.
Ushers will seat everyone beginning from the front to the back. If you have to go to the restroom, please be mindful of sanitizing the stalls and sinks (Disinfectants will be available). Exiting the sanctuary after dismissal will be done from the back to the front. The church will be intentionally disinfected before and after every service.
Music Ministry
Each member of the praise and worship team will be assigned their own microphone. Microphones will NOT be passed to another to use, and each microphone will be sanitized after every use. Each musician will disinfect their personal equipment before leaving the sanctuary.
There are some churches in our community that will begin opening their church doors for in-person services on June 7, 2020. There are some other churches in our surrounding area that is considering reopening in June 2020. Let's continue to keep them in prayer as they seek to do what they think is in the congregation's best interest. Some of our family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and the like may attend some of these churches. Thus, prayer is appropriate because their choices may affect our well-being too!
It is evident that we will not continue having church outside forever, I believe it is still too early to return to the inside of the sanctuary for worship services. You have shared with me how to lead you, and I honor your 'voices.' Benjamin Franklin once said, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." The following is the projected plan for re-entering the sanctuary:
- The scientific data must suggest a decline in COVID-19 cases
- A team that will take temperatures with touch-free thermometers must be in place
- Touch-free sanitation stations in the proper areas in the foyer and sanctuary
- Disinfectant smoke foggers must be purchased to sanitize the church
- A team that will disinfect the church before and after the service
- Air conditioner filters will be changed before entering
- At least 25-50 disposable masks at the church
- New website installed and active
Projected Policy & Procedure For Re-Opening
The COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily re-written the narrative of in-person worship. The power of this pandemic has closed the doors of countless churches (brick and mortar), but God has opened the doors of many homes to hear the gospel. The following are some of the procedures we are considering implementing.
Entering Church Sanctuary
When entering the sanctuary, temperatures will be taken with a touch-free thermometer. We are asking everyone to wear a mask, but it is not mandatory. Hand sanitizers will be placed at the entrances of the church. Plus, tithings and offerings baskets will be placed in a designated area. Tithing and offering will be given before entering the sanctuary. We will practice social distancing at all times.
Phasing In
Since our membership will not allow all of us to return at the same time and still practice social distancing, we will return in phases. Phase 1 will consist of approximately 30-35 people in the sanctuary. Phase 2 will include around 35-40 in the sanctuary and an additional 20 in the fellowship hall. Phase 3 will consist of approximately 40-50 in the sanctuary, and another 30-40 in the fellowship hall. The seating will be done by reservation. You can reserve your seat via the website.
Ushers will seat everyone beginning from the front to the back. If you have to go to the restroom, please be mindful of sanitizing the stalls and sinks (Disinfectants will be available). Exiting the sanctuary after dismissal will be done from the back to the front. The church will be intentionally disinfected before and after every service.
Music Ministry
Each member of the praise and worship team will be assigned their own microphone. Microphones will NOT be passed to another to use, and each microphone will be sanitized after every use. Each musician will disinfect their personal equipment before leaving the sanctuary.